Nespresso is a coffee concept based on the use of long-life ground coffee in aluminum coffee cups. It is a concept developed by Nestlé. Both the capsule and the method of making coffee are patented, which initially meant that coffee could only be made exclusively with Nespresso cups from Nestlé.
Nespresso cups
If you put a Nespresso capsule in the machine, you can make coffee at the touch of a button. The cup is perforated by the device and hot water is pressed through it under a pressure of up to 19 bar. You can then throw away the cup.
The cups or capsules are quite expensive, but since some of the patents expired in 2012, all kinds of other coffee brands also produce the capsules. These also fit in Nespresso machines, which makes drinking coffee a bit cheaper. Yet the question is to what extent this is a cheap alternative to version coffee from the fully automatic coffee machine.