With the fully automatic bean to coffee machine you can make delicious fresh coffee. You fill the machine with fresh coffee beans. When you make a cup of coffee, the beans are first ground and the freshly ground coffee is automatically made into a cup of coffee. Most machines have the ability to adjust the grind size and strength. You can also make a latte machiato or cappucino with most machines.
Fresh coffee from coffee beans
The purchase of most automatic bean machines is somewhat higher. The basic machines start from around 350 euros but can go up to over 1000 euros. That seems expensive, but grinding fresh beans is many times cheaper than purchasing Nespresso or Dolce Gusto coffee capsules or ESE pods. For those who drink more than one cup a day, it quickly becomes an economical choice. Of course you can also buy very expensive beans, but you should not compare apples and oranges. If you buy expensive coffee beans, you should compare them with the more expensive Nespresso or Dolce Gusto coffee capsules or ESE pods.